Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekend at Home+Prayer Challenge

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! We sure did.

With all of the traveling we had been doing, which was great, we were so excited for a relaxing weekend at home! Friday Weston was working to roads so he came home late. When he got home he asked me to come out to the porch. When I walked out he surprised me with a jogging/bike stroller!!! I have been wanting one for a while and I LOVE it! He had been shopping for one for a few weeks and bought it off of Bookoo for $60!!!!!! He got it from another military family on post and the mom had bought it and never used it- SCORE for us:) It goes to show again, if you take your time to look you can find a great deal! Saturday we had Wyatt's first soccer sign ups!!!! Weston and I were so excited! Weston also signed up to become his coach, so I am looking forward to this season even more. Wyatt is very excited...hence him going everywhere with his cleats in hand;) After signups we went to the park and had a great morning run! The boys loved the stroller and it was very easy to run with. I am looking forward to our first bike ride. I love bike riding and can't wait to start it up again:) The rest of our Saturday was rainy so we watched movies and read books...perfect.

Sunday is one of my favorite days. We headed to church and then out to lunch with our friends to Jason's Deli:) They just put in a new one here, and it was so yummy!!! After a couple errands we came home, did laundry, and tried a new yummy dinner recipe! I will share that later this week:) For those of you involved in Fantasy Football, its that time again!:) This is my first year joining Weston in these "games" and I have to say I am a little worried about the competitiveness;/ We are doing a family league so it should be really fun!:)


Our preacher has been doing a series on Prayer for the last couple months. I wanted to leave you with something he said that really hit home for me. When we say, "I am praying for you", are we actually following through? Do we remember them in our prayer times throughout the day?! I know I have done it many times, and really had to change the way I go about praying for others. We were challenged to start praying for someones needs at that exact time we say we will. If we start immediately and continue from there, we are ensuring this person is being lifted up. So...

Do you follow through in your prayers for others?!

I challenge you to start praying on the spot for those who you say you are praying for. I began my "on the spot" praying to ensure I am lifting up those in that my word is true and trustworthy. When I say I am praying for you, I mean it! What else is more important than prayer?
Have a great Monday:)


Kara said...

So cool that you got the jogging/bike stroller! Trey and I got the same one last week for our anniversary, and we've used it every day since then. They are perfect for family time!

Miriam @ Bellaspire said...

Oh my GOSH! I have been following your blog on my Google reader and just opened your blog to see the beautiful header!! Love it! So pretty!

Rachel Layfield said...

Kara, yes we have used it this past weekend and are going again today:) I LOVE the family time. I mostly love the conversation with Weston!

Miriam, Thank you!!! Coming from you, that means a lot;)

Suzanne @ Life is a Mix said...

If I say I am praying for someone, I actually stop and do it at that very moment. It is what I hope someone would do for me!!

As for the jogging stroller, what a fabulous purchase. My kids are too big for it now but until about a year ago I used mine ALL the time and it was such a lifesaver. I got to get out and exercise and they loved getting some fresh air and going along for the ride.

Rachel Layfield said...

Good for you:) I will definitely make it more of a priority-you are so right. I would want others to do the same for me:) I am glad to get such great feedback on the stroller:) Glad we made the right purchase!