Everything from the time the President and First Lady were born, until they passed was there! They had letters from them to their parents, love letters to eachother, clothing the wore on the day of Kennedy's assasination, the presidential motorcade, the bible he took the Oath of office on, his library of papers, His ENTIRE oval office as it was when he was in the white house, Lady Bird's private office, as was, and soooo much more. I thouroughly enjoyed every minute of it. They also had a temporary exhibit for Walter Kronkite which was interesting, as well. Overall, it was very enjoyable, and extremely educational. Those of you who know mw well, know of my strong interest in the Kennedy's, especially the presidency years. I never really knew much about the Johnson's. My view on them has totally changed since visiting here, and I learned so much about our history!! We also got a good view of the bell tower where the mass killing happened back in the '70's. A man climbed up in the tower and picked off and killed students as the walked on cmapus at UT. Very sad, but interesting to see the site. As you can see, I obviously liked it, so I encourage anyone who comes to Texas, to make a trip to see this extrodinary library! Below are some of my favorite parts of the tour, and then a collage of the rest! Hope you enjoy:)
The President's Motorcade
The clothing the Vice-President and Lady Bird wore the day of Kennedy's Assasination.
Portrait Wall of all the Presidents and First Ladies-It was beautiful!
Jewelry gifts the First Lady recieved during her time in the White House
The Oval Office as was during Johnson's presidency
Wyatt and I in front of the fountain!
My Loves:)

All the rest!
Will blog again later~
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