Little Blue Truck
By: Alice Schertle
The Little Blue truck travels down the road, passing his animal friends as he goes. He "beeps" his horn, and the animals say their hellos. It starts as a normal day for The Little Blue Truck until he is
run off the road by a dump truck, who isn't considerate of others. The dump truck is too busy to concern himself with others, and he ends up putting the Little Blue Truck in a tough situation. This leads to the dump truck and the Little Blue Truck having to work together to solve a problem. Check this book out to see what happens when you work together as a team despite differences!
This book is adorable. It has such good illustrations! I actually base a book pick a lot on the pictures. If I am not impressed with the pictures, the story better be pretty good;)
This is one of the main reasons we love this book!:) One of my best friends, Elizabeth, gave this to Wyatt on his Third birthday. In it she wrote this....And Wyatt has a smile on his face every time I read it. I love it and it is very special to us, as we don't get to see "Aunt Bith" very often. But at least she can be a part of our daily story time!!:)
What special things have people written in books for your children?
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I hope you all have a Terrific Tuesday and I will see you tomorrow for another edition of "What I Ate Wednesday!" Now go link up!!!:)
i love this! i'm so happy that Wyatt likes the book, and that he loves books so much in general (such a credit to you)! love you and miss you all so much! ~Aunt Bith :)
SUCH a cute book ... and I KNOW Wyatt loves his Aunt Bith too ;)
Yes he does!!:) Thanks for checking out "TTPT" Maddy!
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