Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Project Date Night: Building a Porch Swing

Today is the first day in a while that I haven't posted first thing in the morning. It has been so busy around here...we have company in this weekend and something going on every weekend for the next month and a half! So, today is going to be simple.

With it being fall and all, I have been dying to get a porch swing hung outside. It is so beautiful here and its perfect weather for a swing. At first we were going to buy one, and then my husband offered to build me one...okay!:) So, tonight is a project date night!!!

I am always looking for new creative ideas for date nights at home. As you know, once you have kids it is harder to get out. So, why not have a date night at home?! I will post my creative date nights when I have them, and hope they help inspire you to bring the "dating" back home:)

Tonight my honey and I are building this:

I am headed out now to go pick out a paint color, and then it will be back home to whip up some yummy Steak Taco Salad Bowls (recipe to come) and then start building!:) I will post pictures when the swing is hung!:)

What would you build?
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