Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Wednesday + Bellaspire Guest Post

It's Wednesday already, has been a crazy busy week, but ours is about to get better because my MIL is coming today!!:) 
I have my first Guest Blogger today! Miriam is such a sweetheart! When I joined in on Foodie Pen Pal, I was assigned to her first, and boy was I lucky:) Her blog, Bellaspire,  is awesome!She is so talented in so many ways, and today she is sharing her love of fitness with us!:) I am glad you are reading because she has some awesome advice! No more waiting, I will hand it over to Miriam...:)

I signed up for the Foodie Pen Pals program primarily because I saw it as a great networking opportunity. Sure, it was fun to think about trying new tasty treats, but I was more excited to virtually meet two new bloggers.  Rachel turned out to be amazing and we became blends (blogger friends) right away!  I am honored to be guest posting today and hope that you’ll check out my blog for more inspiration!

Today my mission is to convince you of one key change that impacted my physique in a major way.  I bet that got your attention. If there is one thing that will help you achieve results it’s this- LIFT HEAVY WEIGHTS.  No 5 pound dumbbells, ladies. I’m talking 15’s, 20’s, big, heavy, weights that will force you to rest.

I started seriously lifting weights about a year ago. Prior to that, I primarily ran long distances and did some casual lifting to “tone.” When I hired a personal trainer I realized that lifting weights would change my SHAPE while simply doing cardio would only change my SIZE. A pear shaped person who logs 7 hours on the elliptical each week will simply just become a smaller pear. However, a pair shaped person who lifts heavy weights will gain more definition and most likely become smaller in the process. By the way, pears are beautiful!!

So how do you lift heavier weights? Well obviously, you pick up weights you previously thought were too heavy and you just give it a try. I bet you’ll surprise yourself.  I would recommend choosing a weight that allows you to do about 8 reps before you need to rest. If you can get through 8 or even 12 reps easily, you need to go heavier (but always watch your form). If you’re currently using 5-8 pounds for bicep curls, try 12-15!!  You’re heart will start racing and your muscles will start to develop in time.  These changes will be exciting!

Since ladies don’t have significant levels of testosterone, it is impossible for them to bulk up (unless you’re on a crazy diet). Muscle takes up far less room than fat so eventually just the opposite will occur. You will start to lean out and notice that your clothes are fitting better. Not to mention it will be rewarding to plain feel stronger! 

I have some workout ideas on my blog and would love for you to stop by and say hello.  Most importantly, I always like to encourage my readers to stay gentle on themselves in the process of working towards physical change. With summer approaching, your focus should remain on the exciting traditions that the season brings, rather than anxiety over body image. Lift heavy weights, eat clean foods and keep a positive outlook!! Until then, enjoy this beautiful spring!! 

Thank you to Miriam, and Happy Wednesday! DONT FORGET TODAY and TOMORROW ARE THE LAST DAYS TO ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN a FREE "Thirty One Gifts" Utility Bag!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Bellaspire and I love lifting heavy weights. I always get sad at the girls at the gym lifting like 2 pounders.